Registered Charity No: 300168
Carpet Bowls
Thursday Afternoon - 1pm
Carpet Bowls is a friendly indoor bowling club that meets in the Village Hall on Thursdays at 1.30pm until 4pm.
It will soon be 7 Years since a group of local and not so local residents met to try their skill at Carpet Bowls. Now what could be more simple than rolling a wooden ball along a carpet with the aim of parking it close to a small white ball called a Jack except that a) the balls are carefully designed to go the wrong way and b) there is a big round wooden obstacle in the middle of the mat that tends to get in the way. Oh! Did I forget to mention that the floor is not level. So, if your bowl is nowhere near the Jack there are always plenty of excuses to call upon.
Since we started in April 2017 we have all improved but we all still have bowls that want to do their own thing. No doubt the "professionals" think there is room for improvement but all our players find it fun and come back week after week. No skills, level of fitness or equipment is necessary (bowls and mat are provided by the Club.) All you need is a good sense of humour. Each month two teams are configured using players' average scores from the previous month so, hopefully, the teams are well balanced. Prizes are awarded each month for the best player and for the best team.
New members are always welcome. If you are unsure if this is for you why not come along one afternoon to give it a try. If you can't commit to every Thursday afternoon or for the full three hours don't worry as the arrangements are flexible. We meet most Thursday afternoons at 1.30pm until 4.30pm in the Village Hall with a weekly charge of £2.00 to include tea/coffee and biscuits.
Jean on 07818 472875,
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Sandy on 01488 668336,
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